پرش به محتوا

الگو:Non-free use rationale biog/توضیحات

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد


This template is intended to assist in the creation of "fair use" rationales for images of people that are used in a biographical context.


To use the template, copy the empty template to an image where the content is considered non-free, and fill in applicable fields (described below).

The minimum required for a deceased person is:

{{Non-free use rationale biog
| name              = 
| birth             = 
| death             = 
| use               = <!-- Choose: Infobox / Header / Section -->
| source            = 
| article           = 
| purpose           = 

The minimum required for a living person is:

{{Non-free use rationale biog
| name              = 
| birth             = 
| use               = <!-- Choose: Infobox / Header / Section -->
| source            = 
| article           = 
| purpose           = 
| replaceability    = 

The full version is:

{{Non-free use rationale biog
| name              = 
| birth             = 
| death             = 
| description       = 
| source            = 
| article           = 
| portion           = 
| low resolution    = 
| use               = <!-- Choose: Infobox / Header / Section -->
| purpose           = 
| replaceability    = 
| other information = 
the full name of the person in the biography concerned
(optional) date of birth (in any format), if known
(optional) date of death (in any format), if known
(optional) other descriptive information, including the copyright holder if known
Where you acquired the copyrighted material, or how you recreated it
The exact name of the Wikipedia article in which the media is to be used (unlinked, i.e. do not include brackets [[]], as the template will link automatically).
(optional) How much copyrighted material is used? The amount used must not make the work as a whole less valuable to the copyright holder. If this parameter is left blank, the template will display "A single small image or extract sufficient for the intended purpose without being excessive."
low resolution
(optional) Is the material in a lower resolution that would be unlikely to impact the copyright owner's ability to resell or otherwise profit from the work? For گرافیک شطرنجی, this would be the resolution (in pixels) of the picture used. If this parameter is left blank, the template will display "The image is of a size consistent with fair-use."
(optional) enter one of Infobox, Header or Section
(optional, but required if Use is not one of the standard options) Alternative or additional explanation of how the image contributes significantly to the article in which it is used
Explain why sourced text or equivalent محتوای آزاد media (perhaps to be obtained or created) could not adequately convey the article subject. If anything was entered for the parameter "death", the template will display "Subject of image is deceased, so creation of recent free image is impossible."
other information
(optional) If applicable, provide any other information that justifies the current use of this non-free media. If this parameter is left blank, the template will display "Use of the image is consistent with fair-use provisions."


{{Non-free use rationale biog
| name              = Sir Isaac Shoenberg
| birth             = 1 March 1880
| death             = 25 January 1963
| source            = http://www.doramusic.com/Shoenberg.jpg
| article           = Isaac Shoenberg
| use               = Header
| other information = 

will display as:

دلیل استفاده از اثر غیرآزاد - WARNING: Isaac Shoenberg does not appear to exist!
Check capitalization. Enter only the exact title of a single article with no [[link brackets]] or other formatting. It is also possible the indicated article was deleted.


منبع هیچ منبعی ذکر نشده لطفا به عکس منبع بیافزایید


میزان استفاده

{{{بخش یا قسمت}}}

کیفیت پایین؟

{{{کیفیت پایین‌تر}}}


دلیل به کار گرفتن اثر در ویکی ذکر نشده؛ لطفا کاربرد را مشخص نمایید

محتوای آزاد جایگزین؟


See also[ویرایش]